Cushing’s Syndrome

What frequency set would I use to lower my Cortisol?

Hi Ammy, Cortisol is known as the stress hormone because of its role in the body’s stress response. But cortisol is about more than just stress. This steroid hormone is made in the adrenal glands. Most of the cells in our bodies have cortisol receptors that use cortisol for a variety of functions, including   […]

What frequency set would I use to lower my Cortisol? Read More »

Mycotoxins, Circulation, Scar Tissue, & More

Question: I have a few more queries for you regarding where to find certain programs.  Would you be able to help me out with the following: 1. Lectin Allergy/Intolerance 2. Leptin Hormone Balance 3. Hypothalamic Syndrome (I’m    not sure exactly what this entails-it’s on one of my pieces of equipment and shows up as

Mycotoxins, Circulation, Scar Tissue, & More Read More »

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