We advise people to wear the straps on the palms and the balls of the feet, so that they are not adversely affected by the powerful output of the Rife machine. If you do wish to experience this Rife Output, then put the straps over your wrists with the silver buttons facing the inside of the wrists for an hour, and observe.

You will see the skin on the palms and the soles of the feet are so thick that you cannot feel the Rife Machine frequency output. There is wisdom behind this: If you did feel the output on sensitive skin, such as the inner wrists, there would be a good possibility of local irritation or rash. Power is rated 7-7.5volts with Multimeter, and 15-16 Volts with an oscilloscope. Multimeters cannot measure voltage on a Square wave, so use an oscilloscope to measure voltage.



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