As explained in the Book, the “Pulsed Sweep” was perfected by Dr Robert Beck, who had a massive following, and designed some very innovative

Electro Therapy Device (machines) : Page 18 of the Instruction Book:

The Pulse / Sweep function is identical to the “SWEEP” mode, with the exception that the machine Pulses the Group’s 10 frequencies every Second, rather than the normal “Sweep” Play-back which is 10 Minutes per frequency (non pulsed).

Pulse uses a unique processor to “Store” and “Build” the Energy in a momentary Off Position, only to Pulse this Stored Energy back into the body in a quick Sweeping motion; increasing the effectiveness of the Frequency and focusing the Waveform and moving the energy deeper in the body for more efficient healing treatments.

Dr Beck discovered this method by converting one of his original “Rife” Devices & moving circuit output through a Canon Camera Pulsed Flash, removed from an old camera. Dr Beck found that treatments were more effective using the Stored energy Pulsed output, than via the standard fixed output methods.

The same Pulsing methods are used in your Pro-Device, using modern microchip technology.

For treating cancer, you would be advised to check in the Frequency Book and follow the specific ‘Cancer Frequency Set” found there. Please ensure that you select the correct set. if in doubt please email us for clarification.

Place the straps on balls of the feet or the fleshy part of the palm by the thumb or little finger. You can also use the Rife Healing Mat or Belt, provided your machine model supports that, if you are not sure email me and I’ll let you know.

Program in all the above frequencies and allow the frequencies to cycle overnight in a loop (continuous treatments for 7-9 hours).  The more you can use the machine the better and faster will be the results. We mentioned, this is a new addition to the Professional Series of Rife and Zapper Devices: As we have ‘duplicated’ this ‘Pulsing’ technology from the “Dr Robert Beck” Device, which is used by thousands of people around the world.



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