What are the Crystals for in the machine?

Each machine is configured with a Quartz Crystal which is matched to the device. Quartz Crystal absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy. neutralizing background radiation, including electromagnetic emanations. Quartz Crystal balances and revitalizes the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes. Cleanses and enhances the organs and subtle bodies. Quartz Crystal harmonizes all the chakras and aligns the subtle bodies. Using Quartz Crystal within Electronic Therapy Healing Devices (ETD) enhances the effect of the natural crystal through the creation of different bandwidths of frequencies which are delivered in an electronic form to the body. The more Professional ETD devices utilize very high frequency Quartz Crystals to reproduce multiple bandwidths of healing energy to the body. The Quartz crystal produces “Harmonic Resonance” and a balanced frequency output and is a vital part of the machine design. The lower end devices use the 20 Mhz Crystals which match the electronic and frequency wave capabilities of the original digital devices. As we move up the ladder of machine capabilities and into the mid-range machines which use a basic harmonic resonance; a 24Mhz crystal is required to provide consistency with this new harmonics feature, producing a clean and balanced frequency output. The High end Professional ETD machine require the 30Mhz Quartz Crystal; to handle the Carrier Wave and Radio Frequency output, and also to provide a stable wave resonance on the dual bandwidth. The Professional series use faster processing power (CPU) and performs an innovative pulsing technology amongst other state-of-the-art features which necessitate the 30Mhz Crystal feature. Footer

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