Question: First – some great news before the great question. One of our clients purchased a Rife Ultimate for COPD so bad that she couldn’t talk and was not taking in food. After a month with the machine, she had her first shopping trip in three years. She is up and around and she actually sang to me over the phone. They are in love all over again. Very sweet. And now the question. This client has a company that works with water to grow crops. He analyzes the water – analyzing it for things like Calcium, boron, salt, iron, and other items that might break up the balance of the water. He then infuses the water with electrons to break up the bonds causing the balance problems. At this point he is using a gentleman who determines the frequency of the out of balance problems. Sort of a water witch or dowsing method. He referred to it as a “waving of hands” method. While it has been effective, it doesn’t provide the scientific approach he needs in order to explain it to future clients. His methods are increasing production and growth by 30%. Anyway – he has asked how we determine the frequencies. Is there a machine he can buy that will produce actual numbers? Answer: Good news on the client who recovered from COPD Re: Locating frequency of Water or other objects: Dr Clark did this type of work on pathogens, finding frequencies. Everything has a frequency, and she used the Syncrometer to find the frequencies. I would not suggest to buy a Syncrometer, as the technology is 30 years old and difficult to use, however an instrument of this type was able to measure all frequencies. Presently, In Germany, The ETDFL team use Quantum SCIO and other types of Biofeedback devices to locate frequencies to analyze and treat people for all types of diseases. The machine cost about $30000 + and necessitates doing courses and other requirements. I believe these machines are used for people purposes only. The machine produces 10 frequencies which are suitable for the healing of the disease, these are entered into a database and eventually compiled into a disease frequency set, that can be used with any Rife Machine or Clark Device, which has programming abilities, ie Rife Digital Series. Footer

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