
My name is T. W., my aunt is L. K. and she has lent me her V2 Rife machine.  I have had some bad luck with health of late, briefly explained below.  Looking for some of your advice, if you care to share, on maybe how I could use the machine to further help my recovery.

I had a herniated disc rupture in my back (L4-L5) that required
emergency surgery. This happened on Oct 13 and I had to stay in the
hospital for the next 10 days as they monitored the recovery.  This
included a delay as I encountered a small cranium spinal fluid leak
but my body was able to stop that on its own.  Fast forward 2.5 weeks
at home recovering where my back pain increased drastically and was
admitted again for another 10 day stay.  During that time, they found
I have an infection to the vertebrae in that area including the
surgery site.  They have inserted a PICC line that constantly feeds me
with an antibiotic and will be on this until December 24.  Something
happened in the second stay at the hospital where I hope the machine
can help out with.  My left leg has been experiencing cramping ranging
from a 2 (pain scale of 10) up to a 8 on occasion.  The 2 is pretty
much constant and the ramping up depends on what I am doing (walking,
bending, laying on my stomach as examples).

My Aunt Liz explained the machine and after looking through the book,
I programmed muscle spasms into group 21 and have used that setting
with the sleep pad for several nights.  I think it has helped a bit
but wondered if there was another program that would be more
beneficial.  Possibly this is not dealing with the root cause of the
pain and you have some suggestions about that.  The pain starts in the
glut and goes down the back of my left leg.  When the pain increases,
I feel it down my left shin too.  I am also on a lot of different
medications.  Dilaudid, Gabapentin, Naproxen, Baclofen, Magnesium,
daily poke for blood thinner and IV antibiotic cefazolin.  It’s a lot
and I’m trying to wean myself off.

Sorry for the long email but thought it would be helpful to give the
whole picture.

Feel free to ask any questions that would help understand the issues I
am experiencing.

Kind regards,


Muscle Spasms, Leg Cramping are likely only symptoms relating to the original infection of the vertebrae

Vertebral osteomyelitis is the most common form of vertebral infection. It can develop from direct open spinal trauma, infections in surrounding areas and from bacteria that spreads to a vertebra from the blood.   Infection may be caused by bacteria or fungal organisms and commonly occur after surgery as in this clients report

Mayo clinic report the SYMPTOMS of Vertebral Osteomyelitis are

Severe back pain



Weight loss

Muscle spasms

Painful or difficult urination

Neurological deficits: weakness and/or numbness of arms or legs, incontinence of bowels and/or bladder

As you can see by this report, Programming the RPDV2 for any of the above symptoms; are not correctly targeting the root cause of the problem

it is important to always use the Rife Digital Professional for treatment of the condition, rather than symptoms

For the treatment of Vertebral Osteomyelitis use the following set from ETDFL

Osteomyelitis: 0.06, 0.41, 0.9, 7.5, 8, 77.5, 187.5, 358.81, 721, 986.22

Suggested treatment:  Connect Straps to the feet, and a RHM under the Vertebrae (spine) where the location of the infection was identified.

Use the Straps in RCA port 1 of the RDPV2, and the RHM in the second port

Use the RDPV2 on the above program for a minimum of 7-9 hours overnight

Day treatments are also recommended

A one month treatment should assist in eliminating pathogens (bacteria/ or fungal) causes of the Vertebral Osteomyelitis

In consideration that the client advised the prescriptive medicines they were using, they do not appear to be related to the issues reported, however it is in my duty to always advise clients to check with their doctor regarding the drug combinations that they are using.  Many drug combinations can cause adverse reactions.

C/- Dr Pete Williams

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