Question: Hi Michele, my daughter was diagnosed with Uterine Adeno Sarcoma. Checking for a frequency came up empty. After linking critical wording I was unable to see anything. What I could find was on page 12 under: cancer uterine sarcoma which will not be a perfect match. From what I found this is 2 differing cancers that have morphed. It is found in approx 5% of uterine cancers and not a common uterine cancer. I have put her onto the one that matches the closest. I am asking if your team have any further information on this specific variety? Any guidance is vital and much appreciated. Answer: This is the exact set for Uterine Adenosarcoma: Cancer: Uterine , Sarcoma, 0.04, 0.40, 0.78, 5.29, 7.50, 37.00, 95.50, 434.00, 792.00, 985.67 Use the Rife Machine overnight with straps on the balls of the feet. She can also use the Rife Healing Mat or Belt along with the straps. Also consider the Papaya Leaf Tea in conjunction with the Rife Machine treatments. We don’t sell this but here is a link for the purchase of Kaylx Papaya dried leaf from Pennsylvania. The Papaya Leaf Supplement The Papaya leaf tea should be drunk in large amounts daily to accelerate the remission of advanced cancer, it is in my opinion at the very top of the list for natural cancer therapies. People ought to understand that the Papaya Leaf tea, is not like a mild cup of “green tea” in the morning. The therapy actually involved drinking many liters of this tea concentrate per day. The Author of the Papaya Leaf therapy drank the tea warm or cold. He did not drink it hot, but equally did not consume “small china cups” of this brew. I believe for his therapy he was consuming 3-5 liters per day.  

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