
Wow soooo wonderful thank you soooo much for all your detailed answers! Yes it would be so wonderful I could use some assistance with trying to diagnose more specifically what’s happening in my gut. I am a 49 years old American and currently living in Thailand and find it difficult to get some really solid medical advice out here.

So my body gets extremely tired any time that I overeat and if I eat lots of bread I get headaches, my memory is very foggy and I feel very lost for many hours afterwards. I usually have to eat only smoothies, meat, vegetables and fruit and that’s about it. If I stray from this diet I can feel so low and sick that I cannot move.

There’s something definitely off in my system as of 3 years ago I got a parasite in Indonesia and had really bad candida and leaky gut, swelling up my lymph nodes like golf balls for months, then contracted borrelia in Sweden, dengue fever in India and two months of bronchitis in Thailand.

Just last two weeks ago I got a fever/flu/cold somehow and now I’m stuck with bronchitis again that won’t go away. I feel very limited in what I can put into my stomach and feel like the less amount of food I put in the more energy I feel. It would be lovely to have a number of days that I should Rife certain frequencies and a plan to work with to heal my body mind and soul. Much love ❤️


The link below is to an article on this BLOG. It is a good archive on your question. Use frequencies in conjunction with this product About $20 on Amazon.

All symptoms should disappear within 6 hours of this combination therapy of stabilized oxygen and Rife Digital machine or Zapper frequency treatments. Within 1 week of daily and night treatments, any form of stomach bacteria should be permanently eliminated

Also, this comment, from this BLOG came in: IT WOULD BENEFIT TO DO A FAST FOR A DAY OR TWO JUST WATER THEN Introduce fruits that are low in sugar on the glycemic index and as many raw vegetables as you can consume Cooking your vegetables will not give you the live enzymes you need, you will be eating dead food because you cook all of the nutrients needed for the immune system to function properly. Then start protein slowly(animal protein) Hope this helps. Thanks  


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