
I purchased a Rife 3 awhile back and I was wondering what program you could recommend for a torn labrum in the hip?  Thank you in advance.
Have a great day!
To be clear, the Rife Digital Professional V3 (RDPV3) can assist with many conditions.  However at times when a physical dislocation has occurred where one joint has physically relocated to another location, the RDPV3 cannot “Magically” move that dislocation back to the original position.

The cause of a hip labral tear might be: Trauma. Injury to or dislocation of the hip joint — which can occur during car accidents or from playing contact sports such as football or hockey — can cause a hip labral tear.

Best Therapy solution:  A physical therapist can teach you exercises to increase your hip’s range of motion and build hip and core strength and stability. Therapists can also teach you to avoid movements that put stress on your hip joint.

On the RDPV3 use  (#1822): Injuries [Specific to Fractures and Dislocations]: 

0.08, 0.25, 0.57, 7.5, 10.53, 12.5, 40, 173.3, 329.37, 675

However do understand that this set will assist with the symptoms of a tear, injury, irritation and pain, however the frequencies will not move a dislocated hip joint back into its original seat.  Only a physical therapist can assist with physical joint dislocations.


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