
I purchased my machine in 2017 I believe – so a few years ago. I read an article recently that stated we as a species/humanity are being “Upgraded” by the CME’s and other myriad energies flowing to us in recent years in increasing amounts and are affecting us. The effect was said to be increasing of our unique resident personal frequencies – therefore, if one had a RIFE machine from years ago (unchanged) that it should be updated with the new frequency formulas. That they should be sought from the manufacturer, secured personally and then entered into the machine , updating it, prior to next use. This was important due to the older (Dr. RIFE’s time period) frequencies having altered and needing an updated “re-tuning” so as to work effectively again. What are your thoughts on this? Have you studied as to whether the older frequencies still work as original. If not, could you you please verify? If newer updated frequencies ARE available, how might I get my unit updated?? Thank you in advance for your response. J. E.


The Doctor believes the client’s question was referring to a specific concern regarding the  “evolution of frequencies from the time of Dr Rife”, so this was the line of the answer provided. Thanks, Steve


In 1930, Dr. Royal Rife made significant strides in the field of alternative medicine by discovering a series of frequencies that he proved actually effectively cured cancer through his Rife machine treatments. His pioneering work was specifically focused on cancer treatment, and he developed a frequency-based approach that aimed to target cancer cells while leaving healthy cells unharmed. This innovative concept laid the groundwork for subsequent research and applications involving frequency therapy.

From 2000 to 2006, a collaborative effort among Rife machine users and practitioners worldwide led to the compilation of the CAFL  frequencies. This compilation included not only Dr. Rife’s original frequency sets but also contributions from a diverse group of practitioners who sought to expand the range of frequencies available for various health conditions. The CAFL served as a valuable resource for practitioners looking to utilize frequency therapy in their practices.

In 2006, the ETDFL (Electro Therapy Device Frequency List) was established to further enhance the existing frequency lists. This expansion involved contributions from over 22 Rife machine practitioners and Quantum SCIO bioresonance machine users globally. The ETDFL aimed to address a wider array of diseases and disorders than had previously been documented, thus providing a more comprehensive tool for practitioners. By pooling expertise and resources, the ETDFL became an essential reference for those engaged in frequency-based healing modalities.

In 2020, a thorough screening process was conducted to identify duplicates between the earlier CAFL and the newer ETDFL, focusing on equivalent disorders listed multiple times. This effort culminated in the creation of a unified disease set that reflects the most relevant and effective frequency sets available. It was crucial to maintain the foundational concepts and frequency lists developed by Dr. Rife, while also incorporating advancements in technology and methodology that have led to the discovery of new frequencies for treating previously unaddressed diseases.

In summary, maintaining the integrity of Dr. Rife’s original concepts is essential; however, it is equally crucial to recognize the importance of ongoing technological advancements and collaborative efforts among practitioners. The current ETDFL stands as the gold standard in the field of frequency therapy, providing a comprehensive resource for the treatment of thousands of diseases and disorders. This commitment to innovation and collective knowledge ensures that practitioners can continue to offer effective frequency-based treatments to their patients.

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