There is no direct frequency set for TESTICULAR MICROLITHIASIS Testicular microlithiasis (TM) is an uncommon condition, usually brought to attention when some other condition is being investigated. There have been reports suggesting a link between testicular microlithiasis and infertility and tumors Although most reports such as WIKI identify a 20% infertility risk in men, other medical studies have identified an 80% infertility risk. According to the 2012 study of Association Between Testicular Microlithiasis and Infertility by Waleed Nassar Jaffal ,Ehab Jasim Mohammad ,Baha’a M. Abdulsalam “There was strong association between testicular microlithiasis and infertility, at a rate of 80% of testicular microlithiasis confirmed patients ” Although a potential tumor risk is present, there is inconclusive evidence that a tumor may eventuate from testicular microlithiasis However as the 2012 Medical report identified a strong relationship between testicular microlithiasis and infertility in men, you can use the bioresonance set from ETDFL 2015: Infertility: 0.17, 0.12, 0.30, 0.89, 6.91, 79.71, 132.81, 206.11, 434.58, 513.79 if a testicular microlithiasis related tumor is a concern, one may use the Tumor, General Non Malignant set as a precautionary measure. Tumor, General Non Malignant: 0.10, 0.31,0.44, 58.00, 77.90, 126.00, 471.68, 487.52, 507.12, 622.31  

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