

I have tapeworms.  Large tapeworms.  What will be the most effective treatment please?


Beyond the obvious Frequencies listed for Tapeworms in the book, the only other alternative for elimination would be MMS, Miracle Mineral Supplement.  Combination of overnight Rife treatments and MMS have eliminated tapeworms permanently in more than 95% of people.

MMS must be taken in high doses of 15-25 drops per day for this parasite elimination to be effective.  Increase drop dosage if total elimination has not been effected within 7 days, yes one week! And combine treatments, Rife & MMS, for stubborn parasites, combination treatments are imperative. Here is a MMS reseller: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Miracle-Mineral-Supplement-Master-Mineral-Solution-2-Pack-Miracle-Mineral-Sol-/180885282635?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2a1d9a5f4b

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