Question: I just purchased and received a Rife Digital Professional. I read on your web site that customers can email Dr. Williams if they have questions on frequencies to use. No frequencies are listed in your instruction book for what I am trying to treat: “symptomatic irreversible pulpitis w/ symptomatic apical periodontitis”. I found an entry for periodontal diseases but not for pulpitis. My dentist explains it like this: bacteria are irritating the nerve of my lower left molar. I’ve been taking an antibiotic to hold off the infection but when I stop taking it the infection starts up again inside of the tooth and it hurts when I bite down on it. I have a holistic dentist who wants to pull the tooth rather than doing a root canal which can cause health problems. I bought the Rife machine to see if I can possibly avoid the extraction. I live in Arizona and met a rancher several years ago who used a Rife machine to successfully handle an abscessed tooth. My tooth is not abscessed and the nerve is alive but irritated. I would appreciate any guidance you could provide. Answer: To assist treatment use Dental Comprehensive, Oral Health, includes Periodontal Disease 0.06, 0.37, 0.83, 2.75, 3.00, 15.00, 85.54, 175.00, 225.36, 575.83 This set includes Pulpitis and related infections. “According to one of Dr Williams archives, he suggested that due to the cavity area harboring anaerobic bacteria, such as Streptococcus or staphylococci, the best option by this Holistic doctor (Dr Pete) is to pull the tooth. Although the frequencies will assist greatly in reducing bacteria; once food is reintroduced into the cavity over time, then the bacteria cycle recommences. Oral (tablet) swallowed antibiotics are generally ineffective against these anaerobic bacterium, if one is to choose antibiotics to treat this infection in the short term, then opt for oral antibiotics, often applied directly to the Gum area. Although not adhered to by many dentists, I have injected antibiotics directly into a patients tooth abscess which resolved the anaerobic bacterium infection within 24hrs, and then my patient could commence treatment with the Rife Machine. However in the long run, food particles will eventually reach the cavity area again, and cause a new cycle of infections. I am strictly against Root Canal, and believe they also harbor dangerous anaerobic bacterium in more that 80% of Root Canal Treatments, and believe removing the tooth to be the permanent solution. Should the tooth be a prominent one, such as front tooth, then opt for Zirconia Dental implant, as the material is from a “rock” substance and is non-metallic. Zirconia implants can also be used for back teeth”  

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