Strabismus, Convergent

Strabismus almost always appears at an early age. If not corrected, the condition may impair vision in the nonfocusing eye, as well as marring the child’s appearance. In the great majority of cases the eyes can be straightened by proper medical treatment at any age, but vision of the malfunctioning eye may remain impaired. If treated early enough, preferably before 6 years, normal vision can usually be restored in the affected eye. Strabismus may result from several factors, including a blow on the head, disease, or heredity. Many cases are caused by a malfunction of the muscles that move the eyes. This causes the eyes to focus differently, sending different images to the brain. As the child grows, he or she learns to ignore the image from one eye with the result that it fails to grow as strong as the eye on which he or she is depending. *** Treatment for strabismus varies with the individual case. A patch may be placed over the child’s stronger eye for a period, forcing use of the weaker eye and thus restoring its strength as far as possible, instead of letting it grow worse from lack of use. *** Eyeglasses or special eye exercises may correct the condition. In some cases, a relatively simple surgical operation on the eye muscles may be necessary. Since these muscles are outside the eye itself, there is no danger to the vision. Frequencies for Strabismus, Convergent are below Strabismus, Convergent: 0.12, 0.55, 0.95, 5.25, 25.51, 42.50, 162.52, 492.57, 675.51, 828.53 Combined natural therapy (Therapy + Electro Rife Treatment) with the suggested frequencies mentioned above *** will often result in a return to normal eye function, especially for the younger developing child


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