
Hello Michele, I’m still on the rife machine 5 nights a week anyway and have been using the esophageal cancer frequencies set steady and Group 6 preset.

I had an esophageal stent put in about 6 months ago and now it seems it is growing in and creating a blockage. I can only eat soupy type foods for now.

I will be getting a CT scan done in a few days to see where it is blocking. Is there another frequency set I should try for that?   Thanks…. Murray.


The Rife Digital Professional machine operates on the principle of using specific frequencies to treat various health conditions, including esophageal cancer. This technology is based on Dr Rife’s research that every disease has a specific frequency at which it vibrates, and by applying the corresponding frequency using the machine, it aims to destroy pathogens or restore normal cellular function. 

In the case of the introduced esophageal stent causing a blockage, the limits of the Rife Digital Professional machine become apparent. The machine’s function revolves around emitting electromagnetic frequencies, which are intended to interact with biological tissues. However, these frequencies do not have the capability to physically alter or remove foreign objects like stents placed within the body. Stents are medical devices designed to maintain the patency of narrowed or obstructed vessels or ducts. Their physical presence and the mechanical obstruction they address are beyond the scope of what electromagnetic frequencies emitted by the Rife machine can address or affect.

The only real solution is the continuation of existing frequencies Group6 and esophageal cancer set, with overnight treatments, with the straps attached to the feet.

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