1. Turn the machine ON (It should turn on saying “SET UP VOLTAGE” – if it doesn’t use your DOWN arrow till you see that.
2. Once you are at the Voltage Set Up screen PUSH ENTER and use your UP/DOWN arrow to choose the Voltage you want and PUSH ENTER again to save your choice. If you are using the mat or belt in direct contact with the skin you will want to choose the 12.5v. You can try the 14.5v – but if you feel any sensitivity drop it to 12.5v. If using it under a thin 100% cotton bed sheet, or with a light t-shirt use it at the 17v level. The signal will not go through nylon, use a thin, 100% cotton material.
3. PUSH your UP ARROW and you will see Language Set Up. PUSH ENTER – select the language and PUSH ENTER
4. Use your UP ARROW to now choose the Group you want to use. Once you are on the Group you want PUSH ENTER
5. Use your UP ARROW till you see SWEEP and PUSH ENTER. (It will Sweep through all 10 frequencies in that group, 10 minutes at a time until you pause it or stop it. Pause it by pushing enter, un-pause by pushing enter again.)
6. Once you have selected SWEEP and pushed ENTER to begin the treatment, push the CW button. When in CW, which is where you want to be most of the time, you will see an X to the right of PLAY. When in RF it will look like a square.
To move out of whatever Group you are in PUSH ENTER to pause and then PUSH ESC – PUSH ESC again to get back to the GROUP’s menu screen. ———–
To Program your own set – go to the Group’s menu and use your UP ARROW till you see GROUP 21 and PUSH ENTER
Use your UP ARROW till you see PROGRAM PUSH ENTER, it will say FREQUENCY 0, and then PUSH ENTER again and you will see the first digit begin to flash. (The number to the right of the word FREQUENCY is the frequency bank you are in)
Punch in the FREQUENCY and PUSH ENTER to SAVE it then PUSH the UP ARROW to advance to the next frequency bank and PUSH ENTER. (The number to the right of the word FREQUENCY will now be 1.
Push ENTER and that should start the first digit of the frequency to flash) PUNCH in the next frequency – PUSH ENTER, PUSH the UP ARROW to advance to the next frequency bank which is 2, Push Enter and repeat the process till you have programmed in all 10 frequencies.
Push ENTER and then ESC and use your UP ARROW to go to SWEEP, push ENTER, push CW and there you have it. You can see another page on the programing HERE
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