Sciatica – How to Treat

Rife Digital or Zapper Digital treatments can help reduce pain and related symptoms of Sciatica.   Sciatica is a nerve-related condition that can cause potentially debilitating pain. Rife Frequencies to address sciatica pain can provide a non-invasive therapy for this chronic pain condition

The sciatic nerve begins in the lower back, where it branches off and goes down each buttock, hip, and thigh. It branches again at the knees and continues to the feet. The sciatic nerve is the longest and largest in the body and, at its thickest, is as large around as a finger.

Several conditions, such as a herniated disc or spinal stenosis, can cause irritation and inflammation of the sciatic nerve. When this occurs, the sciatic nerve begins to transmit pain signals.

Sciatica discomfort may begin as numbness or tingling in the buttock or upper thigh, but it often worsens with time. The discomfort might increase to pain, and the pain can spread from the buttock down the back of the thigh. Eventually, this pain can spread down the lower leg until it’s even felt in the toes.

Sciatica pain might also radiate upwards, causing pain in the lower back. No matter where else it might spread, pain from sciatica is always felt in the back of the thigh, and it is almost always felt in just one leg.

We suggest the use of the Rife Healing belt if the pain is more dominant near the thighs.  A secondary Rife Healing Mat or Belt may be placed above the buttocks or lower (lowest back) position (area)

Use the Sciatica frequency set:

3074: Sciatica: 0.24, 0.73, 0.88, 7.5, 30.52, 57.5, 95.87, 97.5, 424.98, 562.96

Overnight use of the machine for 7-9 hours would assist with this condition.

Dr. Pete also suggested twice-daily walks (at least) would also be a highly recommended combination (treatment) with the Rife frequency Sciatica set.  Most medical journals recommend walking to be added to the daily schedule for the treatment of Sciatica

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