
I have a question for you and I know the you can’t give medical suggestions or diagnose but I am looking for input. My husband has AFib. The Dr.s are wanting to do an Ablation to correct it. They tried to do one in Jan of this year but they said he had to much scar tissue on his heart so that Dr said he would have to go to another Dr. and have open heart surgery to remove the scar tissue and do a maze (Ablation) to correct the AFib . My question is Do you think the Rife would help get rid of the scar tissue in the heart? Have you heard of anyone that has had results with scars going away?


Scar tissue cannot be removed through Rife Frequencies as far as I know. Unfortunately we are still ten years away from treatments which transform scar tissue back into heart cells. The technology was discovered only last year. At least they have found something. It will help with any healing and so many other things, unfortunately, short of helping the body advance it’s healing the machine cannot repair damaged tissue.

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