The RSG-2 Scada (Bob Beck based) machine uses tiny battery power, and has insufficient amperage (around 240ma) to treat conditions like cancer (Our upcoming Beck Machine will be 2400ma High Powered Battery for example) Address Parasites with the Healthproducts2 Clark Parasite herbal kit and at a minimum a Rife Ultimate or the Zapper Ultra with overnight treatments. (Pro series if you can afford it) You can see all the machines and cleanses at our main site: After 21 days of this combined herbal and Rife or Zapper program, switch to the specific Cancer frequency set from ETDFL that comes with the machine and continue a minimum of 3 month overnight treatment with the straps on the balls of feet for the natural elimination of Cancer cells Using a very low powered device like RSG-2 Scada will not address either the parasite problem, or the cancer. 3 frequencies are simply not enough range, and the tiny battery issue, prevents penetration of the frequencies into the body. As Dr Clark said 9v “Shoebox” battery zappers are only “Skin Deep”, they do not reach the intestines.
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I had the RSG2 and it was just perfectly well for treating parasites and much more. unfortunately I cannot get it anymore.
Well we have a SALE on right now. And our machines are very good. If you would like some information please email me at: