The RFID implants are real and are implanted into humans who wish to work at certain Security businesses or buildings. It is used by management to automatically detect when people come to work, when they leave, when they go to the toilet, how long, etc etc. Scary bu true, some places you cant get the job if you refuse the implant. Recent research have linked cancer, to the area where these RFID chips are implanted, and advise that the small transmitter has some radio-activity in it which causes cancer. Recently a security company had hundreds of its employees forced to have RFID implants, and then a year later the company went bankrupt, leaving hundreds walking around with chips imbedded in them. Crazy!! Fortunately implants are placed under the skin, and can be removed by minor surgery. As RFID are a real active transmitter with radiation inside, a zapper cannot cure this liability, only a knife can.


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