
N. F. has been using the Rife Digital Ultimate for about 10 months for ovarian cancer. Her cancer is in remission. She has been using it overnight.

Question 1:

Since her cancer is in remission does she need to continue the overnight treatments. Or what should she do?

Question 2:

Also, she would like to know if the beam ray machines are better than the electrical version that we carry. I do not have a good answer for the difference between the beam ray or light type of machines vs the electrical micro-current variety.


Answer (1)

Yes, absolutely. She must continue treatment until the cancer is cleared completely. Stopping treatment now may cause a reversal.

Answer (2)

BeamRay is the same machine as we use, except DR Rife’s original Beam Ray uses a light. I have the Rife PRO light with me for promotional reasons,  It will be available probably October or December of 2020, and this light duplicates the Light used on Beam Ray.

However in hindsight, the very effectiveness of the cables attached to hands/feet only highlight the Rife Light to be an alternative method of delivering the treatment, rather than a “better method”. People with strap sensitivity issues will benefit from rife light, and the light penetrates the body in a way that straps treatments cannot, so may prove to be the answer for people who are not getting results through straps or mat methods.

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