
To clarify, I suffer from an indeterminate colitis for 12 years. It closely moresembles Crohn’s colitis than ulcerative.

The symptoms are multiple diarrheas (currently x10 daily; including x2 at night), with incontinence.

The disease is confined to the colon affecting mainly the cecum, ascending colon, and transverse colon; sparing the sigmoid and rectum. It is particularly severe at the moment because I have become both steroid dependent and resistant since I attempted to stop the steroids two weeks ago.

Three years ago I suffered an episode of interstitial pneumonitis caused by aloe vera which resolved following a course of steroids. I also suffer from insomnia, with difficulty both falling asleep and when awakened by diarrhea in the night.

Finally, I take thyroxine for hypothyroidism.


Rectocolitis: 0.49, 27.00, 17.00, 38.000, 87.00, 96.20, 150.00, 434.00, 592.00, 850.00

For Diarrhea, Abdominal pain and cramping, Rectal pain. Rectal bleeding — passing small amount of blood with stool. Urgency to defecate.

Inability to defecate despite urgency. Weight loss. Fatigue. The Insomnia is a direct result of the Colitis / Rectocolitis due to the frequent nightly awakening & Diarrhea problem so frequencies are not applicable here.

Use Straps on the feet for this treatment, overnight treatment 7-9 hours. As the condition is chronic expanding many years, the treatment will likewise be extensive, up to 6 months of treatment. When the Rife Wrap-around Mat arrives, a mat can be wrapped around the lower back and stomach, and use the straps simultaneously on the feet,

c/- Dr Pete

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