The Rife or Zapper machine produces human friendly frequencies in the sub 1000 KHz range

These frequencies can be picked up by EMF detection devices

The machine does not produce radiation: this is just not true,  the machine produces very low range audio frequencies.

EVERY RIFE MACHINE or Zapper produces detectable low frequencies: Gb4000, JBLabs etc

EMF detection devices are cheaply made and cannot differentiate between a 5000000Khz (wifi) signal and a low range signal (1000 KHz)

The device just calls it an ” EMF signal”

There is so much misinformation and conspiracy over 5G (5 Gigahertz) wifi and High Gigahertz Cellular Towers, that people assume that everything their EMF detector picks up is a dangerous signal.  Although there is some evidence that cell phone radiation, and cellphone towers could cause harm, it is incorrect to believe that every audio frequency around you is harmful.

Frequencies produced in the 1-1khz range are completely safe and harmless, in fact the whole point of Dr Rife’s investigations into curing cancer and diseases, was based entirely on these healing frequencies in the sub 1000 KHz range.  His work and research on these low range frequencies helped 16 people go into remission from stage 4 cancer.

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