Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequencies/Fields (PEMF)


Hello Michelle, I sincerely hope all is well (as can be) on your side of the Atlantic, I wanted to ask you if the Rife can do PEMF as well (pulsed electromagnetic frequencies/fields) to mimic grounding, basically? (You know, when you walk barefoot to connect to the earth)
Do we have a frequency that would accomplish this?


To be clear:  PEMF is a type of frequency transmission, it is the “delivery system”

… not a “certain set of frequencies chosen from the list”

All Rife Digital Professional V3 (RDPV3) frequencies can be set to PEMF using Pulse Sweep.  Pulse sweep is the Global PEMF setting for every frequency in the book.

The Pulse Sweep function is identical to the “SWEEP” mode, with the exception that the machine Pulses the Group’s 10 frequencies every Second creating a pulsed electromagnetic field (see page 20 of RDPV3 instruction book) Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy, also known as PEMF therapy or PEMFT, is a safe and effective treatment option with a wide range of applications. There are many different uses for pulsed electromagnetic field therapy including recovery and healing, injury prevention, and promoting good mental and physical health. Here’s a look at how PEMF therapy works and common uses for PEMF therapy.

In RDPV3 Pulse Sweep [PEMF] uses a unique processor to “Store” and “Build” the Energy in a momentary Off Position, only to Pulse this Stored Energy back into the body in a quick Sweeping motion; increasing the effectiveness of the Frequency and focusing the Waveform and moving the energy deeper in the body for more efficient healing treatments.

Dr Beck discovered this method by converting one of his original Rife Devices & moving circuit output through a Canon Camera Pulsed Flash, removed from an old camera. Dr Beck found that treatments were far more effective using the Stored energy Pulsed output, than via the standard fixed output methods. The same Pulsing methods are used in your Pro-Device, using modern microchip technology.

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