Question: Thank you Michelle for your response. I think the technical aspects of this go beyond the basic question for the general principal that deals with even the devices you sell that generate various frequencies designed to promote healing. The simple question is: does a device of this type, including the ones you sell, have the ability to raise antigens and toxins which in turn can give a false response to PSA and other marker tests in the blood? That is pretty much a yes or no for those that are familiar with the mechanism itself. Thank you very much… Answer: Frequency Therapy can raise toxin level in the liver, however whether this influences PSA levels is not a simple yes or no answer. PSA Levels are far more influenced by fluctuating Cholesterol levels than external factors such as frequency therapies.. This is the archived Dr Peter response. PSA levels can change for many reasons other than cancer. Two common causes of high PSA levels are enlargement of the prostate (benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH)) and infection in the prostate (prostatitis). It can also be raised for 24 hours after ejaculation and several days after catheterization. The Rife Digital is designed to reduce the cancer cells through direct electro-frequency treatment however natural events such as a PSA reading within 24 hours of ejaculation will show a rising PSA reading, or an enlarged prostate which mask the Rife effects. Higher Cholesterol also influences a fluctuating prostate-specific antigen (PSA) reading. It is best to refrain from using the machine for at least a few days before a viral load test, because using the machine will stir up pathogens and other measurable blood factors, which is a normal effect of the device that will throw off the results of most tests of this kind. White cells are also brought out and become much more active. Shattered virus may not be distinguishable from live virus. Increased antigens may appear to indicate changes that are not really correct. This could make it look a lot worse than it really is and cause your doctor to make incorrect judgements about your condition. If conventional tests are the means by which you are measuring your progress, just take leave of the machine for three to five days. The debris in your system will have time to clear out completely and the test will reflect more accurately your true condition.” In summary a YES/NO answer cannot be given.


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