Programming and Running Your Zapper

First, check the Instruction Booklet to identify the UP and Down arrows and the Enter keys.

Part I: Programming in the Frequencies
1. Turn the machine on. It will say Menu Group #1

2. Push the yellow Enter Key [so you selected and are now working with Group #1 of 10

3. Push the Down Arrow till it says PROGRAM. Press Enter [now you are ready to program the Zapper].

4. Then Push Enter again and the first digit will begin to flash. Put in your 1st frequency on the Keypad from any disease listed in the back of the Instruction Book.

5.  Then Push Enter again to Save it.

You have entered the 1st frequency into Group #1

6. Now Push the UP ARROW to advance to the next frequency bank or slot. – When you do this, you will see the F1 in the upper right hand corner change to F2 —

Then push Enter and put in the next frequency.

Once you have entered that frequency, push Enter to save it.

You have now entered your 2nd frequency into Group #1

7. Then press the UP ARROW to go to the next [3rd] frequency bank [labeled F3] and push Enter.

Now put in the 3rd frequency and then Push Enter to save it. – You have saved your third frequency into the Group #1 [in slot F3] Repeat this process to enter your 10 frequencies. Once you have done that, if you wish, you can turn the machine off. It will hold what you just programmed in Group #1.


Part II: Picking a Mode and Using the Zapper
When you turn the Zapper on, it will initially say Group 1.

Once you have programmed all ten groups [see Part III below], use the UP arrow to move to the desired group.

Press the Enter Key to select your desired group. Then use the Up or Down arrows to choose the mode you want to use for this group 1.

The SWEEP mode will run all 10 frequencies 10 minutes at a time. So this will take 100 minutes to do a full SWEEP of the 10 frequencies. You can PAUSE it at any time by pushing the Enter button, and when you are ready to start again, push the Enter button again.

2. The PULSE SWEEP mode runs each frequency 1 second each and will keep doing that till you stop it.

3. The RUNmode will allow you to choose 1 frequency [whatever is showing in the window] and run it for however long you like. Initially, we suggest the PULSE SWEEP since it may be the most powerful.


Part III: Programming Group #2
1. Turn the machine off then on. It will initially say Group #1 if you just programmed it in Part I.

2. Use your UP Arrow to go to Group #2.

When you see Group #2, push ENTER to go into that group.

3. Use the UP ARROW to go to PROGRAM, press Enter, and repeat the programming steps in Part I.


Programming Group #3
1. Turn the machine off and then back on.

2. It will say Group #1 or Group #2.

Use your UP Arrow to go to Group #3.

Press Enter to select it.

3. Once in Group #3 use your UP ARROW to go to PROGRAM and repeat the above programming steps.


Some Key Tips
1. To get to the Menu that lets you pick your desired group, turn off the machine and then turn it on. The last Group will be shown.

Use the Up or Down arrows to move to the desired group you wish to use. As always, press Enter to select it. Then move through the Menu to Pulse Sweep and select it [Press Enter]. The unit should begin delivering a pulsed version of that grouping.

2. When you are entering numbers as your frequency into some group, treat every entry as five digits long. So for example, .13 is entered as 000.13 – the cursor begins at the first digit and it is the “zero” that moves it to the next entry.

3. Now suppose you entered 001.13 by mistake. How do you correct it? Once you entered the last digit [in our case, “3″], then the cursor moves back to the far left. So just enter again, 000.13 and as you enter the digits, they write over what is there. So the zero over-write the mistaken number one.

4. Once you enter 10 frequencies into slots F0 to F9, you can check your work by just moving the Up arrow to cycle through the slots F0 to F9. As you do, the value for each slot will appear and you can validate you have the right entry.

5. If you missed entering a value, just enter it at the end of the sequence. The sequence can play in any numerical order.

6. As you already have seen, the 10 frequencies are inserted into slot labeled F0 to F9. This convention eliminated the need to take up more space when you came to the number 10. It probably wasn’t necessary [it probably seemed “sensible only to the engineer who designed it]. In any case, as you see, the 3rd frequency is in slot F2 [which is the third in the order F0, F1, F2, etc.]. Keep this convention in mind as you program your Zapper.

Additional Options
To use the RF or the CW buttons you must first be in one of the modes and it should be running. You can tell when the program is running when you will see the Green Output light. Then if you push the RF button, you will see a square to the right of Play on the screen. When you push the CW you will see an X. For many applications, the RF option may increase the effectiveness yet again. We suggest you alternate between using it with a Pulse Sweep, then SWEEP.  RF now and then, CW most of the time and all of the time if cancer is the issue.

SWEEP is where you want to spend most of your time and CW.

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