Here are the programing steps for the Rife or Zapper Professional, really very easy:

1. Turn the machine on

2. It will say Menu Group #1

3. Push the yellow Enter Key

4. Push the Down Arrow till it says PROGRAM

5. Push Enter - Then Push Enter again and the first digit will begin to flash -

NOW put in your frequency and then Push Enter again to Save it.

6. Now Push the UP ARROW to advance to the next frequency bank.

You will see the F0 in the upper right hand corner change to F1, then push Enter and put in the next frequency.

Once you get that frequency in Push Enter to save it, then the UP ARROW to go to the next frequency bank to F2,

push Enter put in the 3rd frequency then Push Enter to save it, and keep repeating that process till you get all 10 frequencies programed.

So, once you have done that, and you turn the machine off, it will hold what you just programed in Group 1. So, when you turn it on again it will come on saying Group 1 - then press the Enter Key and use the up or down arrows to choose the mode you want to use.

SWEEP will run all 10 frequencies 10 minutes at a time, this will take 100 minutes to do a full SWEEP. You can PAUSE it by pushing the enter button, and when you are ready to start again – push the Enter button again.

The PULSE SWEEP will run each frequency 1 second each and will keep doing that till you stop it.

The RUN will allow to choose 1 frequency and run it for however long you like. These are the most popular modes.

Personally I use the SWEEP and the PULSE SWEEP, when I have time I will first do a full SWEEP and then a PULSE SWEEP for as long as I can.

To Program for Group 2:

1. Turn the machine on

2. It will say Group 1 – use your UP Arrow to go to Group 2 – when you see group 2 push ENTER to go into that group.

Once in Group 2 use your UP ARROW to go to PROGRAM and repeat the above steps.

To Program for Group 3:

1. Turn the machine on

2. It will say Group 1 or Group 2 – use your UP Arrow to go to Group 3

once in Group 3 use your UP ARROW to go to PROGRAM and repeat the above steps.

To use the RF or the CW buttons you must first be in one of the modes and it should be running, you can tell when the program is running you will see the Green Output light. Then if you push the RF you will see a square to the right of Play on the screen, when you push the CW you will see an X.

If you still require help you can look at the Quick Start Book that came with the unit, or at the top of this blog you will see a link that will show you the Quick Start for the Zapper or Rife Professional, or you can email us: or call us: 206-708-6408


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