We corresponded in April 2019 regarding my eight year old granddaughter who had been diagnosed with Primary Lymphedema of her right foot (the dorsum area) and toes.
She has been using the Rife Professional Version 2 on full power with both straps and the healing mat for approximately 10 hours nightly, 7 days per week.  She has been using the precise set for lymphedema as you suggested.  Additionally she has had a course of Astragalus drops and is taking a lymphatic cleanse tincture which is ongoing.
She has been treated by a chiropractor every 6 weeks.
Ella is also taking a daily teaspoon of Manuka honey on her morning cereal.  She has little dairy.
She attends the Lymphedema Clinic at a specialist hospital every 6 months and they have fitted her with compression socks and advised mum to give Ella a nightly massage.  Ella’s mum has been using lymphatic drainage ginger oil on a nightly basis.
Ella is a very active girl and she enjoys swimming, gymnastics and dancing.
Do you have any further suggestions which may help Ella, for example are any of the other lymphedema frequencies applicable to her condition?  Any suggestions or advice would be very much appreciated.
lymphedema treatment with KETO
A Keto diet which is free from Carbohydrates (Think Wheat, Bread, Flour products, Cakes,) and free from Sugar carbs (Sodas like coke, fanta, white sugar, most fruits except blackberry’s, raspberries, lemons, limes)
Focus on a Protein based diet free from Carbs, but also try to avoid any animal based meat that may be compromised with chemicals, antibiotics and/or GMOs.
Many serious long term diseases are reversed with the assistance of a protein based diet,  Many swelling issues like lymphedema are directly related to a high carb content in diet.  This even applies to people who avoid all sodas like coke, Fanta, who avoid deserts, cakes, ice cream, and high sugar products.  Even the consumption of carbs through bread, oats, breakfast serials are enough to stop the KETO process
It is worth trying this “Keto” for one month and see the results.  Continue using the V2 on the same frequencies, as you have done so far, do not reduce the hours of this treatment program, but also consider the “Carb restriction” KETO diet in conjunction with the Rife or Zapper treatments
It is difficult to understand what foods have Carbs, and how much.  But with diligence and the internet, all these food types can be examined.
Just a ball park suggestion:  Anything which comes in a box and is manufactured, will likely have a huge amount of carbohydrates which may or may not have a carb counter on the side of the box.  In any case stay with fresh food, no packaged foods and you will be on the right track from there with KETO
This is my comment.  Avoid GMOs, eating organic is the easiest way to do that.
Kind Regards,  Dr. Pete
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