Rife and Zapper 2015 Instruction books will be changed to show new guidelines for using the machine with Pacemaker wearers.

Previously this was a contended issue only by Dr Clark 35 years ago, when this information was unavailable, however as pacemaker companies are producing new guidelines for operating tools, machinery and other electrical devices on or near the body, we have decided to include this new data in the FAQ New guidelines are to keep the straps 6″ to 12″ away from the pacemaker.

It would be suggested that using straps on the balls of the feet (best suggested) would provide the largest distance of device to heart. Hand Straps are only just acceptable providing this 12″ + distance is applied Rife Mats placed under the back would not comply with the Pacemaker instructions, (Less than 6″) however Mats could be wrapped around legs for leg injury healing, or under the head.

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