
I hope this email finds you well!  I have a question and was hoping you could help!  My dog’s ear canals are completely restricted and the vet wants to to a total ear canal ablation, which is a complete removal of the ear canals.  This is extremely invasive and we do not want to have this performed on our 10 year old lab.  Do you think the Rife Machine that I purchased assist in opening up his ear canals?  If so, please advise what program I should run.
Thank you for your assistance and have a great day.



The L-shaped nature of a dog’s ear does not allow fluid to drain effectively from the openings. Thus, otitis externa can occur, which refers to the ear canal becoming inflamed. The lining of the ear canal may become inflamed which stops the flow of fluid and air, both in and out of the ear.  This happens quite frequently over time and in older dogs, as mentioned a 10y.old Dog

As this condition is a “blockage of one type or another” it could be inflamed ear canal, tumors or other blockages:  The machine cannot “remove blockages” such as fluid or physical tumors and the like.  However the Rife machine can reduce the inflammation, which is often related to bacterial infection or other irritants, however this in itself may not be able to open the ear canal or clear any obstacles.  The ear canal passage has been slowly restricted over a period of years, and generally will not clear naturally or with the Rife machine treatments in any short term period of time.
I wish this was a better answer, but I would still give it a try and I would start with these sets:
Inflammation: 0.07, 0.12, 0.85, 9.5, 88, 141.2, 297.5, 425.95, 675.31, 827

Group 10: 

Gram +/-Bacterial infections Specific (cold & flu) inc. Pneumonia 0.12, 0.55, 0.85, 7.50, 12.50, 77.50, 120.00, 307.25, 320.00, 615.00

The easiest way to treat Blue would be with a Rife Healing Mat or Belt.  You can lay it in Blue’s bed or wherever he likes to sleep.
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