Halo just want to ask you if it will work for obsessive compulsive disorder? Please reply thank you
I can’t make any claims, but It has been my experience that if we have frequencies for it it can help.
I would also change my diet to Organic if you haven’t already or at least be sure that you are not eating any GMOs and the easiest way to do that is to eat Organic.
You might also have a look at the Vitalizer Plus as it is water that is responsible for information coming and going from and in the brain.  If the water is not working properly – nether will the brain.  This machine will make hexagonal water, water in the form it takes before we pollute it and force it through pipes, this is the structure that actually allows the water to be absorbed by the body.  There is a lot of information on that link – have a look.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: 0.19, 0.75, 1.42, 5.25, 25.51, 42.57, 162.21, 492.83, 671.51, 808.53

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