
G. M. is using the Neuroma, Acoustic frequencies.

She uses them nightly – for the past month and occasionally, switching to Convergence Sweep.

Anyway – she has developed a twitch in the eye and muscle spasms on her face.

It is a good thing, a bad thing or something that will pass?


A Neuroma is referred to as a “pinched nerve” but usually refers to the feet, rather than other locations

One would assume that the client is using the frequency for pinched nerve or similar nerve damage conditions.

However this condition may also be causing problems elsewhere, and may be related.

Usually a herxheimer reaction can occur from using the rife machine on specific frequencies that are positively treating the problem it is not unusual, and the symptoms can be vastly different from person to person.

Here are some textbook suggestions:

What is Herxheimer reaction? When you begin the electrotherapy- treatments, many parasites and pathogens are killed. This can overwhelm your immune system and lead to nausea, fatigue and dizziness. This is called the ‘Herxheimer effect’, or ‚Parasite-Die-Off-Syndrome’, an immune system response to toxins in the blood and tissues. This brief overloading of the liver and other eliminating organs worsen your symptoms at first. This can be a for a few hours, but can also last up to 2-3 days before you begin to feel much better. It is important to know that the worsening of symptoms does not mean the treatment has failed; in fact, it is exactly the opposite, namely the evidence for a very strong and effective detoxification.

What to do when a Herxheimer reaction occurs?

The most important thing is to accept this physical reaction, as a confirming result of the treatment. If it is very severe, then reduce the time of treatment, drink lots of water (at least 4 L per day) and rest (no exercise!), eat lightly to not burden your digestive system additionally, add freshly squeezed lemon juice to your drinking water and make sure that your digestion system is working properly (using Epsom salt or natural laxatives may be recommended). Take a rest from the Electro Therapy sessions for a few days until you recover.

Important note: In rare cases there might be a tingling sensation on the skin due to the use of our Electro Therapy Device. This usually happens only when using the wrist-straps on sensitive skin such as abdomen, wrists, or other soft skin areas. To avoid this, please use the wrist-straps only on the palms of your hands by the thumb or the little finger, or on the balls of your feet. Using the straps in sensitive skin area despite the above described tingling sensation for a long time, can cause a local rash. If you really need to treat at these locations, please move the straps regularly every few minutes, in case of tingly sensation. The best places to conduct treatments over a longer time period are the palms of your hands and/or soles of your feet. You may switch the voltage down on Professional V2, from 17v to 14.5v or 12.5v in order to reduce sensitivity issues also. The Voltage is preset to 17v. But can be dropped down if sensitivity to the signal is an issue.


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