Question: For Neurofibromatoses: 0.17, 0.35, 0.83, 7.50, 115.29, 347.50, 487.50, 592.50, 675.91, 775.56 Do you have any insight on this. Have you experienced any positive results? I have these bumps or little tumors all over myself. Any suggestions would be most appreciated. Answer: This is a Genetic disease. Passed down through parents. (even if the parent showed no symptoms) In most cases, symptoms of NF1 are mild, and individuals live normal and productive lives. In some cases, however, NF1 can be severely debilitating and may cause cosmetic and psychological issues. The course of NF2 varies greatly among individuals. In some cases of NF2, the damage to nearby vital structures, such as other cranial nerves and the brain stem, can be life-threatening. Most individuals with schwannomatosis have significant pain. In some extreme cases the pain will be severe and disabling. The Rife Pro will make significant impact on the severity of the disease, and will reduce pain and symptoms. Bumps and Tumors may reduce, however a complete cure is difficult to assess because the actual disease is a Genetic mutation of the cells. Symptoms of Genetic DNA mutations can be treated.  

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