Question: Earlier this year I had ulnar nerve entrapment and had suffered nerve damage as a result, Muscle wasting in the hand and intrinsic muscle loss. I’m told by my hand surgeon who decompressed the nerve that it may take many months of the peripheral nerve of the ulnar to heal. I am seeing this practitioner this week and I am liking to know which frequency is for nerve regeneration. Basically, it’s the axons in the nerve that have to regenerate. No nerve was cut only compressed. I was reading some practitioners of rife machines claim to regeneration but it’s best asking from the source. Answer: As the location of this condition is the wrist/hand do not use straps on feet or other areas of the body Flex straps on the wrists would be required for this condition. Normally you would use the straps on the fleshy part of the palm by the little finger or thumb, or on the balls of the feet. So, in order to stop burns or rash at the frequency application point on the wrist, use a cotton long sleeve shirt.

Put the flex straps over the ends of the cotton sleeves. You can locate the button under the wrist. Use these frequencies: Nerve Entrapments: 0.02, 0.24, 0.85, 2.50, 5.25, 72.50, 196.50, 375.91, 456.72, 880.00

Do overnight treatments, 7-9 hours for a month, and continue if required Make sure the shirt is thin, as thicker cotton will prevent the frequencies flowing through.

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