Question: What can I do for Narcolepsy and an appendicitis? Answer: Narcolepsy is a chronic brain disorder that involves poor control of sleep-wake cycles. Use frequency set from the 2015 ETDFL Narcolepsy: 0.14, 0.57, 0.73, 7.50, 2.50, 50.00, 187.50, 455.30, 672.23, 775.87 You could use frequencies for appendicitis, however as appendicitis is considered a critical condition requiring hospitalization then a person should immediately attend a hospital. A ruptured appendix can actually lead to death in some cases. Left untreated, peritonitis can quickly spread, resulting in septicemia, Even if a person does not have hospital expenses cover, Appendicitis is treated as a terminal condition (probable death from rupture) now, and admission into hospital can be done through an emergency department (ED) and treatment of appendix removal is done immediately. Emergency admissions are cost free Its not worth waiting for results with the Zapper, when rupture and septicemia are a high risk. see: Sepsis contributes to as many as half of all hospital deaths in U.S., study says see:

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