
Yesterday I had my quarterly check. The specialist of multiple myeloma, here considered a luminary was, to say the least, very surprised. All parameters seem ameliorated two and a half years after a stem cell transplant to the point that, despite her scepticism, she asked for more info concerning my “integrated” natural therapies and the Rife machine. 

My protocol includes chlorella, curcumin, artemisia annua, potassium ascorbate, fish oil, inositol, quercetin, papaya enzymes, papaya leaf powder, vitamin D3, vitamin K2. 

As you know,  I have been using the machine for over two months every night.Lately, you recommended diminishing itself, use to only one cycle per week alternating the myeloma frequencies with the original Rife ones (n. 8).

However, the red blood cells count is still a bit low and the sugar is at 105 despite a draconian diet and many food supplements. 

Furthermore, I have some muscle pain in the back of my legs. It can be over exercising, but after several days it doesn’t seem to fade.

Any suggestions?

Can I still use the machine twice a week all night? It is not easy to find two free hours to complete a cycle. What frequency could I use for the muscles’ pain? I had incredible results with my chronic lower back pain. 

I have provided several friends with the link to your shop. Do you prefer that they contact you directly? 


Chlorella, curcumin, artemisia annua, potassium ascorbate, fish oil, inositol, quercetin, papaya enzymes, papaya leaf powder, vitamin D3, vitamin K2 are an incredible arsenal for the natural treatment of cancer:   Well done !!

Blood sugar level  105 may be high due to these considerations?

“white pasta, white bread, white rice, cereals and grains high in carbohydrates”

Rice alone will add a huge carbohydrate (sugar) addition to diet, eliminate all rice in the diet, and substitute for a more Ketogenic diet.  The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, adequate-protein, low-carbohydrate mainstream dietary therapy . The diet forces the body to burn fats rather than carbohydrates

Multiple myeloma is a cancer of plasma cells.  The plasma cells are a type of white blood cell in the bone marrow. With this condition, a group of plasma cells becomes cancerous and multiplies. The disease can damage the bones, immune system, kidneys, and red blood cell count.  As MM is a serious condition, there should be a continuous use of the RDPV3 machine, rather than a cutting back on sessions.  As day time sessions are not possible for you, we Suggest an overnight frequency treatment, for 7-9 hours continual treatment with straps on the feet., and try for 5 days (to 7 days) per week.  (Treatment during sleep period)

If the Back pain frequencies worked well before consider using them again to assist with all body muscular pain

Back Pain: 0.14, 0.4, 7.5, 55, 96.6, 376.29, 425.09, 571, 833, 932
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