Morgellons, MMS, hydrogen peroxide and more

This came in from someone with Morgellons, and her opinion of MMS.

Also some other things she has been doing as well. ———————————————–

Like I said, you are wrong about the MMS, it pulls oxygen out of the blood in order to work. There is no more Sodium Chloride left so there no addition of oxygen to the blood after you mix it with the lemon juice or citric acid.

Plus I developed a huge lump in my breast after using it.  It is NOT the right thing for me.

I know that it does kill off many parasites because I had used it for over a year and half in the past.  But in order to detox using it you need to be using at least 60 drops of MMS a day and the appropriate # of drops of citric acid or lemon juice.  And when you are taking that much MMS you end up throwing up and/or having the runs all day.  So yes, you killed off the parasites but it also has kills your own body too because it’s brutal stuff to use at high doses.

So right now it is not what I need to take. Japanese Red Pine Needle Oil, Grapefruit Seed Extract and most recently 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide is working much better.  Plus, I’ve been running all the settings for staph overnight and feel tremendously better since I stopped running the morgellons all night.

Like I said, I find that the Zapper Ultra runs a bit too hot for me.  All the other parasite settings make me itchy but I am running the one’s for candida, chronic morgellons and parasites (scabies, pinworm) settings during the afternoon/evenings.

Bathing with the 3% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Is wonderful and kills off all types of mites, pulls the plastic off the horrible morgellons sores and pulls out the biofilm.  So I completely disagree with  you on that too and other morgellons sufferers have had similar testimonials using it too.

I guess it’s like the alkaline diet, there are many different opinions about what is alkaline and what is acid when you compare food charts. Just like there are different opinions about MMS and 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide.  But I need to increase the oxygen in my blood, it has been used for a long time to kills off all types of diseases, mold, fungus and parasites, plus it is affordable way to alkalize.

So I am going to continue with the detox and I will email you my finally results. I did listen to one of Clifford’s radio programs (which I found after another Internet search) and he said the six things to do if you have morgellons are:

1.    Alkalize your diet (I’ve already been doing that, but new changes I’ve made have really helped me).

2.    Increase antioxidants to eliminate free radicals (Vitamin C, GSE).

3.    Take lots of Vitamin C 4.    Take whey, because it helps to bind the iron in your blood so that the morgellons bacteria can’t bind with it

5.    Cleanse your gallbladder

6.    Cleanse your liver

So I’ve added using Whey powder to my green protein shake in the morning.  Taking dandelion root caps to help cleanse the gallbladder and kidney. I’m already taking Vitamin C and GSE which is very alkaline.  As far as using the 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide I know you need a one hour before or three hours after window for consuming foods and other vitamins, supplements…   but I am determined to increase the amount of oxygen in my blood and it kills off all types of parasites, mold and fungus which is all part of morgellons.

From another morgellons research articles I found out the name of the mold associated with morgellons is called:  Dictyostelium discoideum For your further research on Zapper settings.

Anyway, as far as a few topics we will have to agree to disagree at this time.  I know the MMS is not right for me at this time and I’m going to give the Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide a go to increase the oxygen in my blood.  I will email you after a few weeks to let you know what my results are, but far bathing with the diluted 3% mixture has been very, very effective.



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