This is really more like a testimonial, but this person may have found something worth trying for those of you fighting Morgellons. I had my blood retested a couple of weeks ago at Dr. Stickers lab….I thought I told you that? Anyway – got results and it came back positive for Lyme, Mycoplasma and Bartonella which is considered a co-infection of Lyme. But it’s nasty and what I’ve read about it leads me to believe that Lyme may actually be the co-infection instead of the other way around. There are MANY similarities between Bart symptoms and Morgellons symptoms and some researchers believe they are one and the same and that Morg developed from Bart through DNA transfer because the only difference is the production of these weird fibers – other than that, same symptoms! Bart produces a calcium hard shell around it to protect itself which is why antibiotics won’t work – thank GOD FOR MY RIFE MACHINE!!! THANK YOU DAD!!! I love you!!!! Make sense? I’m going to keep doing Bart, Morgellons and Convergence frequencies alternating every night and see how it goes.  

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