We have had people get rid of morgellons, however they were people who were prepared to use theUltimate/Ultra models on overnight sweep (12 hour) cycles for at least 3 months.

If you use the zapper/rife for any less than this time, the results will be reduced dramatically. In fact I have a customer write on the Clark emails saying she hooked up 24 hrs to Ultra for 1 week, and reduced Morgellons by 90%.  After this she went on a 12 hour cycle for 3 months. I would say this customer Phyllis is using the machine for less than 1 hour a day.  You really need to put in the time with Morgellons to get results. All the research of Dr Pete, and even Susans emails from 2010 show that they always put Morgellons people on 12 hour programs. 


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