
My friend S. is of Persian background, age about 55. He has metastatic colon cancer which has spread to his liver.

He had colon surgery including a colostomy about six months ago. He heard about the Rife machine from me, and approached me in a bit of a panic about a month ago when he learned that the cancer had spread to his liver. He borrowed my machine while he waited for his machine to arrive.

He has been using the Rife machine every night on three frequency groups in SWEEP mode (ten minutes on each of ten frequencies in each group for a total of 100 minutes to run each group, 300 minutes to run all three groups) – colon cancer, liver cancer, and metastatic organ cancer.

He also runs the Convergence Sweep mode (which sweeps through all one million Rife frequencies on two channels simultaneously) all night at least once a week.

He has had no discomfort, pain, or any other issues while using the machine. He looks and feels great compared to the way he looked a month ago. Tonight he came over to share with me the news that today he received the results of the first follow-up testing since commencing use of the Rife machine.

The results showed that the tumor in his liver has not increased in size since the last test over two weeks ago, whereas it had been growing prior to the commencement of the Rife treatments. He received the results from personnel in the oncologist’s office, but has not yet spoken to the doctor.

He has not been receiving chemotherapy or radiation since commencing Rife treatments. He says that his doctor does not want to know anything about the Rife machine, and was concerned that the Rife treatment was delaying resumption of his chemo treatment.

We are cautiously optimistic that S.’s cancer can be defeated with the Rife machine. Additional reports to follow as information becomes available. Do you have any suggestions on how he should proceed or is what he is already doing what you would suggest?


Cancer grows slowly over a long period of time, often unnoticed. Usually as it takes control the cancer expands quickly in its final stages. The Rife Machine actually interrupts the new cancer cell processes and either slows down production or stops it all together.

After this stage, with increased usage of the machine, the Machine works on the Tumor stages, and starts to disassemble the Tumor and any metastatic communications are broken.

The process of eliminating cancer in all its various growth and tumor stages can take 6 months to a year with 9 hours per night use.

* Dont just use one frequency set, integrate sets with (1) Metastatic Cancer Presets on the Rife Pro (recent addition to 2015 model by Dr Williams)

(2) Super Sweep

(3) Convergence Sweep

(4) MAT and soon to come Dr Rife Beam Ray options

Consistent treatment is the key to successful cancer treatments.

Things to note: – If Cancer has done damage to the organs, the Rife will not regrow human tissue, it will only attempt to clear the cancer from the organ. – If the Client is doing Chemotherapy or other Radiation therapies, then the Rife Machine treatments are unlikely to be as effective.

Chemotherapy and Radiation treatments do severe damage to organs and the immune system compromising any natural therapy effectiveness – Inconsistent use of the Rife Machine, will create inconsistent results.

Of course Doctors will dissuade Natural Therapies. Many medical oncologists recommend chemotherapy for virtually any tumor, with a hopefulness undiscouraged by almost invariable failure.

Consider the following statement from cancer specialist, Professor Charles Mathe, who declared: If I contracted cancer, I would never go to a standard cancer treatment centre.

Cancer victims who live far from such centers have a chance. Walter Last, writing in The Ecologist, reported recently: After analyzing cancer survival statistics for several decades, Dr Hardin Jones, Professor at the University of California, concluded “…patients are as well, or better off untreated. Jones’ disturbing assessment has never been refuted”.

Or what about this? Many medical oncologists recommend chemotherapy for virtually any tumor, with a hopefulness undiscouraged by almost invariable failure.-

Albert Braverman MD 1991 Lancet 1991 337 p901 “Medical Oncology in the 90s” Or this? Most cancer patients in this country die of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy does not eliminate breast, colon, or lung cancers. This fact has been documented for over a decade, yet doctors still use chemotherapy for these tumors. –

Allen Levin, MD UCSF The Healing of Cancer or even this? Despite widespread use of chemotherapies, breast cancer mortality has not changed in the last 70 years- Thomas Dao, MD NEJM Mar 1975 292 p 707 Chemotherapy is an invasive and toxic treatment able supposedly to eliminate cancer cells.

Unfortunately though, its ferocious chemistry is not able to differentiate between the cancerous cell or the healthy cell and surrounding healthy tissue. Put simply, chemotherapy is an intravenously administered poison that kills all living matter.

Repeated chemotherapy and repeated radiation treatments kill the whole body by degrees. The immune system is hit particularly hard by chemotherapy and often does not recuperate enough to adequately protect from common illnesses, which can then lead to death. Some 67% of people who die during cancer treatment do so through opportunistic infections arising as a direct result of the immune system failing because of the aggressive and toxic nature of the drugs. Read More

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