The functions on the machine:

SWEEP:  Stays on each of the 10 frequencies in the set for 10 minutes.  This is what you want to use most of the time.  The more you can use the machine the better.  You can sleep with it and we often suggest that.

The Pulse / Sweep: This function is identical to the “SWEEP” mode, with the exception that the machine Pulses the Group’s 10 frequencies every Second, rather than the normal “Sweep” Play-back which is 10 Minutes per frequency (non pulsed). This is also good if you don’t have time for a full treatment on SWEEP. If you only have 30 minutes to do a treatment you can use the PULSE SWEEP function and you will get all 10 frequencies delivered to the body for those 30 minutes, whereas if you used the SWEEP function you would only get the 1st 3 frequencies. You can pause and start back where you left off, but when short on time the Pulse SWEEP is the way to go.

Pulse uses a unique processor to “Store” and “Build” the Energy in a momentary Off Position, only to Pulse this Stored Energy back into the body in a quick Sweeping motion; increasing the effectiveness of the Frequency and focusing the Waveform and moving the energy deeper in the body for more efficient healing treatments. Still SWEEP is what you want to use most of the time as Pulse SWEEP stays on each frequency for 1 second as opposed to 10 minutes per frequency on SWEEP.

RUN:  This will run only the frequency in the display window.  It will stay on that one frequency until you stop it or pause it.
Pulse RUN:  This is the same as the Pulse SWEEP, but only on the one frequency showing in the display window.  It will pulse that one frequency on and off every second.  You really won’t use the RUN very much, unless you have an issue where one frequency is suggested.
Super & Convergence SWEEP:  Only the  Professional V2 models have both these functions. The Rife and Zapper Trio models have the Super SWEEP function but not the Convergence SWEEP function.

The Object of Super SWEEP: and Convergence Sweep is to sweep all frequencies. This sweeps through all 1 million frequencies. The Super Sweep – 1 Second per frequency provides the user a full spectrum “zap” of all frequencies over a period of about 7 hours. We suggest using this while you sleep using the straps, that come with the machine on the balls of the feet, or with the Rife Healing Mat or Belt, which is extra.  

The Convergence SWEEP also sweeps through all one million frequencies but it runs the highest and lowest frequencies at the same time. Still takes several hours. Either of these functions is good to use for prevention or if you don’t know what’s wrong. You will be using SWEEP most of the time and whatever frequency set is applicable to the issue you are working on – unless you don’t know what’s wrong.  If you don’t know what’s wrong you can use the Super SWEEP or the Convergence SWEEP.  This is also good to do now and then as a preventative measure.


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