The Rife and Zapper Frequencies have proven to be very successful for the treatment of LUPUS

Lupus Erythematosus, [Cutaneous Subacute]:

0.05, 0.52, 0.62, 10.89, 32.57, 479.5, 527, 662.71, 752.7, 985.67

However in most cases the success rate was achievable through complementary treatment through diet. The information I have found from Rife 2009 Archives suggested these Complementary and Alternative Supplements and Treatments with the Rife Digital.

1. Flaxseed: Flaxseed contains a fatty acid called alpha-linolenic acid, which may decrease inflammation in the body. Some studies have found that kidney function may improve in lupus patients who have kidney problems, such as like lupus nephritis. Abdominal pain and bloating can be side effects of taking flaxseed.

2. Fish Oil: Fish oil supplements that contain the Omega-

3 Fatty acid, may be beneficial for people with lupus.

Preliminary studies have shown some promise but more study is still needed. Nausea, belching, and a fish taste in the mouth are some side effects you may experience while taking fish oil supplements.

Read more about this topic in at, The Lupus and Diet Dilemma.

3. Vitamin A: Vitamin A is an antioxidant and is commonly found in whole milk, liver, and some fortified foods. Beta-carotene is a pro-vitamin found in carrots and many colorful vegetables that are then converted to vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A protects against free radicals (harmful substances in your body) which can damage DNA and lead to cancer and other diseases, and has anti-inflammatory effects. A lack of enough vitamin A has been linked to inflammation in the intestines, lungs, and skin.

For some people, taking vitamin A supplements could reduce the inflammation that contributes to conditions like inflammatory bowel disease, acne, and lung disease.

4. Vitamin D: People with lupus have shown some benefits from taking Vitamin D supplements In recent testing, high doses of vitamin D were safe and appeared to temper some of the destructive immune system responses believed to cause lupus. Research is pointing to an immune-regulating role for vitamin D. 5.

Vitamin E: This vitamin supplement comes in several different forms. The alpha-tocopherol type of Vitamin E may help prevent heart disease by slowing the release of inflammatory substances that damage the heart. Alpha-tocopherol also might be effective for easing lung inflammation related to allergies. However, because studies were conducted on animals, it’s not yet clear whether the results will translate to humans.

6. Evening primrose oil: Used to treat inflammation, evening primrose oil is associated with alleviating rheumatoid arthritis.

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