
I have terrible leg pain that I can’t seem to get under control using the pain frequencies – what should I do?


Dr Williams response Based on the Robinson formula (1983), weight should be around 119.3 LBS For a person who is 83 years old. Client is carrying about 37 pounds extra body weight or 16 kilos. Which is approximately the weight of an average 5 year old child. As people age Bone mass or density is lost, especially in women after menopause.

The bones lose calcium and other minerals. The joints become stiffer and less flexible. Fluid in the joints may decrease, and the cartilage may begin to rub together and erode.

Minerals may deposit in and around some joints (calcification). Hip and knee joints may begin to lose joint cartilage (degenerative changes). Changes in the muscle tissue, combined with normal aging changes in the nervous system, cause muscles to have less tone and ability to contract. Inflammation, pain, stiffness, and deformity may result from breakdown of the joint structures.

Almost all elderly people are affected by joint changes, ranging from minor stiffness to severe arthritis. If a person is carrying extra weight then the breakdown of joint structures is magnified causing pain, especially in the leg areas, where the burden of upper body weight puts a strain especially with movements such as walking.

Pain General is the best setting for these symptoms, or Joint Diseases: 0.11, 0.24, 0.57, 38.83, 222.72, 317.50, 431.20, 572.50, 695.67, 905.62

Also works for Joint degeneration, specifically range 222.72 & 317.50


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