Currently the best combination therapy for reducing HBP (Hypertension) is

(1) To Reduce excessive carbohydrate intake, especially refined carbs and sugars, and

(2) Using the Rife or Zapper on hypertension frequency set.

(3) Drink your water:

Ideally you want to be drinking filtered or spring water, 1/2 your weight in ounces per day. Challenging habit to acquire, but important.

Hypertension: 0.03, 0.40, 0.78, 1.00, 2.50, 33.39, 75.79, 185.58, 425.79, 719.34

I noticed that myself, that 2 years ago my Blood-Pressure had increased above normal measure, I asked Dr Pete for personal assistance with using the machine. He gave me this “Dual” combined method, which actually worked so well that my Blood Pressure has moved into the low range, and a constant non-exercising rate of 66bpm

(1) One of the most significant contributors to high blood pressure is high blood sugar and insulin resistance. Some evidence suggests that pathological changes in glucose and insulin metabolism significantly affect the development and clinical course of hypertension, and thus should be primary targets for dietary intervention.

Chronically high blood sugar, hyperinsulinemia, and high triglycerides are far more common in individuals with hypertension than those with normal blood pressure, and one of the major contributors to all three of these conditions is an excess intake of carbohydrate, particularly refined grains and sugars.

Additionally, excess intake of sugar-sweetened beverages like soda, sweet tea, and other sugary drinks has been shown to directly influence blood pressure. Cutting out these beverages should be the first step in any hypertension treatment, and can also help with shedding excess weight and reducing high blood sugar – both issues that further contribute to hypertension.

And don’t think switching to Diet drinks will help either, since artificially sweetened beverages also contribute to hypertension. While some research has suggested that high fructose intake may increase blood pressure, other research shows that fructose itself is not the problem; rather, it is the consumption of excess total carbohydrate that is the major issue. This means you shouldn’t be concerned with eating modest levels of naturally-occurring fructose, like that from fruit and honey, as these foods are healthy in the context of a moderate carbohydrate diet.

Be sure to adjust your carbohydrate intake to your needs and health goals, and get your carbohydrates from nutrient-dense whole foods like fruits and starchy vegetables. I stopped eating wheat, bread, pasta, and cut out all sugar drinks, no sweets, chocolate anything sweet, except I eat plenty of fruit, and potatoes, all meats are good. (Grass Fed, Organic)

# (2) I use the hypertension setting for about 4 hours at night, sometimes more. I also ride my bicycle for 1 hour every evening, but I was doing this anyway for years I can attest that (1) and (2) completely cured me of hypertension, I have never used hypertension drugs.

I did really like bread and pastries, especially pasta, however I believe I have such a responsibility to assisting people on the planet with natural methods, that a sacrifice of carbohydrates, and a life without drugs was worth it. The time it took me to lower blood pressure naturally using this method 1+2 was 2 years A final note is most Hypertension natural healing methods online or in books completely miss # (1) method. As far as I see Dr Pete is correct… It is the only Natural Hypertension treatment method on the planet which works, I have proven this myself.

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