How You Can Improve Your Health from The Comfort of Your Own Home



This can be thought of in many ways I’m sure, but I’m going for three of all of the possibilities available.


Of course diet is one and it’s a big one.  And, I think the number one issue with diet would be GMOs.  Avoid them. 

You can do some research and you will find this to be truly awful!  Below is a movie, I highly recommend watching this. It’s not that long, very well done and very informative.

Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMO’s – Full Movie

Eat Organic whenever possible, and follow what we all know.  Easy on the carbs, sugar, processed foods etc., The fresher the better.  And the meat, try to go for organic and/or grass fed or you will get the meat from animals eating GMO produced foods.


Always important, do something you like and feel good about it.  There are now the Virtual Reality units, and for not too much money you can get a unit and subscribe to the Super Natural Program, and you can exercise in your own home, all over the world to great music and have a blast.  Really, it is so much fun!

And you can also use what we now know about resonance and how that can help you get healthy and stay healthy.  Rife machines or Zappers are an amazing technology that is conquering all sorts of disease, both serious and minor issues.  From the common cold to late stage cancers.  Here is a link to see more information on the Rife Machines and here is a link for the Hulda Clark Zappers.

Resonance is what makes a glass break when a vocalist hits a note that resonates with the vibratory rate of that glass. 

This is the same thing that the machines do.  Cancer, arthritis, whatever has a rate of vibration.  When the signal coming from the machine resonates with whatever pathogen, it destabilizes it and kills it. 

Here is a LINK to a 5 or 6-minute video that does a pretty good job of explaining this.

These machines will not interfere with any traditional treatment, and at some point, you just won’t need the traditional treatment anymore.

You can also use this to prevent things.  There is no pain, and even if you treat for something you don’t have you can’t hurt yourself.  There is either something for the signal to resonate with or there isn’t.  Imagine that same vocalist hitting that same note, but no wine glass is present.  The note sounds but nothing else happens.

If you would like more information or have any questions you can email me at 

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