QUESTION 1 I am ready to use the Dr Beck Machine, but I have one question. I am going to use Alpha for learning … long can I use the machine on my head with Alpha and THEN next Theta how much time for super learning? (The manual suggests using Alpha waves for learning. But then suggests not to use the Alpha Program for learning. How do you use the Alpha waves without using the Alpha program) QUESTION 2: I am going to use the machine for first time, how much time is for Alpha–learning then how much time es for Theta super Learning/long term? Can it be 4 hours for Alpha and then 4 hours for Theta.. with gel pads attach to temples … only 2 gel pads to the temples or I can use more gel pads in my neck in this two specific treatments: alpha and theta? QUESTION 3: Can I use the same alpha and theta for my son 7 years old. he needs more focus and to learn more. I mean the Dr Beck machine on my son the 2 treatments Alpha and theta for learning and focus on my son 7 years old? (Is this machine OK for children?) Answer: Please refer to Website FAQ for most information ➥ What’s the Frequency for Better Learning and memory retention? ANSWER: Alpha waves are the most conducive to learning. The Alpha state (about 8-10Hz) occurs when brain activity slows just below the normal waking state of Beta (11-25hz). In Alpha, the mind and body are relaxed but a level of focus is easily maintained. While in this deeper brainwave state, information can be processed consciously without as much “mental activity” to interfere with it. There is also a greater link between the conscious and subconscious mind in Alpha, meaning that while one is consciously learning, their brain is also unconsciously processing what one is learning. Modern brain science has shown that only 1 of 6 of our brain’s processing methods happen on the conscious level, so there is certainly a benefit in engaging the deeper parts of the brain, while taking in information. Theta waves can be added to this Learning Program. Theta is known for Super Learning and Long Term Memory Use the machine for extended periods for Learning and memory retention. Using the machine for shorter periods will not give long term results. Dr Beck did not give time-frames for ALPHA memory retention it was assumed that people would “USE THE MACHINE for the memory retention purposes” E.g. Exam studies etc Use Gel Pads on the temples for the best experience. On the neck is also ok ➥ What’s the best frequency for General Meditation? ANSWER: For Normal or General Meditation, Theta waves are the ones that help you to sleep and deeply relax. Those who practice general meditation forms find themselves in a Theta State. When you are in Theta meditation the low frequency theta waves in your brain can help produce intuition, creativity, strong emotional connections as well as lower your stress and anxiety. As you can imagine there are so many fantastic health benefits that can be experienced if you are able to effectively achieve theta meditation and experience these very low brain frequencies. Use the Alpha waves as a priority for memory retention, According to this data,Theta is used more for meditation and relaxation Dr Beck Machine is safe for children. It uses natural frequency waves. There are no harmful effects whatsoever.  

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