
I have a couple of questions though.

I hope you can answer them or know where to get the answers to them, it’s kind of important.

1. The first day, I tried the group 7 (matastic cancer comprehensive – organs) for about an hour.

The second and third day I programmed both prostate cancer and prostate enlarged in groups 21 and 22 respectively and ran each group for about two hours (4 hours total each day).

I don’t trust our medical system. When I was diagnosed with advanced metatastic prostate cancer, they based it on a PSA level of 240.00. Hospital later took a lymph node biopsy and said the cancer had spread to other organs however when I and my local doctors asked for actual images of the biopsy, they wouldn’t provide them (the whole process was half-assed and I’ve been questioning it since).

Amongst other things, ‘they’ said my leg/ankle and groin area were swelling because the cancer was in my lymph nodes. Well, it’s been over a month now and I have had virtually no swelling anywhere but my PSA is fluctuating like crazy.

Started at 240, drops to 160, now up to over 400. I know PSA measures only inflammation and not cancer (I know the scam).

I have doctors breathing down my neck but I refuse chemo/radiation-that’s suicide. This is why I question whether it’s cancer or prostatitis or BPH of some kind.

My question is:
1. In this case, what would be the best ‘group’ frequencies to use to get this PSA level etc. down as fast as possible?

Group 7 or programmed prostate cancer or prostate enlargement?

2. What length of time per day would be most beneficial without tearing my body down? I noticed the first couple of days using it, I became VERY dehydrated and a bit tired, and even more strange, I’ve been having the weirdest dreams the last few nights.

3. Would it be better to run the above at ‘sweep’ or ‘pulse sweep’? I read pulse sweep is stronger than regular sweep.

4. Finally, would wearing the leads closer to my prostate help at all? I was thinking about extending the straps with velcro and wearing the leads against the thick part of the inside of my thigh…one on each leg/upper thigh. Would this be more beneficial?


– Continue using the Prostate cancer set and metastasis set at different times. Both sets are important to use.  The Prostate set will assist with lowering PSA levels

– Consider a Rife Healing Belt over the inside of the leg or over the groin or lower stomach area.

– Overnight sessions for 7-9 hours is the best regimen for treatments.

Also combine Rife Treatments with Papaya Leaf “Tea” we don’t sell this but below is a link where you can get it.

The Papaya Leaf Supplement

The Papaya leaf tea should be drunk in large amounts daily to accelerate the remission of advanced cancer, it is in my opinion at the very top of the list for natural cancer therapies. People ought to understand that the Papaya Leaf tea, is not like a mild cup of “green tea” in the morning. The therapy actually involved drinking many liters of this tea concentrate per day. The Author of the Papaya Leaf therapy drank the tea warm or cold. He did not drink it hot, but equally did not consume “small china cups” of this brew. I believe for his therapy he was consuming 3-5 liters per day. —————

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