Herpes how to choose the right frequency


How do we differentiate between the various herpes conditions. Which herpes frequencies are used for which herpes issues?


    • Herpes Genitalis: (see Herpes Simplex)  – Medically Categorized as H.SIMPLEX so use H.SIMPLEX 1
    • Herpes Labialis 0.11, 0.55, 1.23, 5.58, 27.50, 291.25, 293.05, 292.00, 345.50, 824.37 UNIQUE to LIPS (Part of HSV1)
    • Herpes Simplex 1 0.12, 0.55, 0.95, 291.25, 293.05, 292.00, 345.50, 495.22, 734.25, 824.37 OFFICIAL HSV1 Frequency list
    • Herpes Simplex 1 (2nd range) 0.12, 0.55, 0.95, 291.25 293.05, 345.35, 345.75, 495.22, 734.25, 824.37
    • Should HSV1 fail or no response (herx or other detox reaction), HSV1 user must try 2nd range)
    • Herpes Simplex 2 (fresh smear) 0.12, 0.55, 0.95, 291.25 293.05 292.00, 353.90, 362.90, 360.00, 355.00
    • HSV2 is specifically Genetal Herpes, Smear means “assayed by smear test”
    • Herpes Zoster “shingles”. skin Blisters caused by HSV1… Affects skin only
    • Herpes Simplex Encephalitis: (see Encephalitis, Herpes Simplex) Use HSV1
    • Herpes Simplex, Labial: (see Herpes Labialis) UNIQUE to LIPS (Part of HSV1)
    • Herpes Zoster 0.12, 0.45, 0.90, 5.91, 137.50, 372.50, 416.60, 420.20, 418.00, 824.37 skin Blisters caused by HSV1… Affects skin only
    • Herpes Zoster Oticus: 0.12, 0.45, 0.90, 5.91, 137.50, 372.50, 416.60, 420.20, 418.00, 824.37
    • HZ-Oticus is Ramsay Hunt syndrome type 2.  A a disorder that is caused by the reactivation of pre-existing herpes zoster virus in a nerve cell bundle in the head; affecting  facial muscles, tongue, eyes and the mouth.
    • Herpesviridae Infections: 0.55, 0.95, 291.25 293.05, 292.00, 345.50, 434.00, 495.22, 734.25, 824.37
    • Latent or Lytic infections caused by all types of Herpes. These are other infections triggered by microorganisms such as bacteria viruses and prions
    • The Herpes family of viruses includes Herpes Simplex Virus  (HSV) 1 and 2, Epstein Barre Virus (EBV), shingles or Chicken Pox (Varicella zoster), Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and some newly discovered ones.
    • Herpes simplex virus 1 is the virus that breaks out around or inside the mouth. We call it a cold sore because it often follows a cold in childhood. 

Dr Clark believed the virus was introduced to our bodies by the following parasites:  Pinworms, Ascaris or a tapeworm.

Dr Clark found evidence that the tapeworm stage releases the Adenovirus.  The Herpes then takes residence in your nerve centers (ganglia) and it is from here that you can be attacked after the initial infection. Evidently your immune system can destroy them as quickly as they emerge.  But a meal of aflatoxin or other moldy food suddenly “gags” your white blood cells and lets a viral attack happen.

The viruses can also be “triggered” which lets them out of hibernation (latency) to multiply and travel along the nerve fiber to the skin. Begin your prevention program by raising the immunity of your skin; this means removing all toxins from the skin. Use only natural lotions, softeners, cleansers on your skin. This will reduce the amount of nickel, chromate, titanium, zirconium, aluminum, and benzalkonium from entering your skin and probably your whole body!

As soon as you feel that warning tingle or sensation of Herpes, commence a treatment with the Rife Machine or Zapper at the following frequencies:

Herpes HSV1: 0.55, 0.95, 5.58, 22.50, 137.50, 293.00, 345.50, 495.22, 734.25, 824.37

Herpes HSV2: 0.12, 0.55, 0.95, 291.25 293.05 292.00, 353.90, 362.90, 360.00, 355.00

Attacks probably occur when the triggers act at the same time as an immune drop occurs. Even after you have been Herpes free for a long time, stick to your preventive principles. Avoid the trigger foods, peanuts, and chocolate, or be ready to use the Rife Digital or the Clark Zapper.

Don’t eat acidic foods like popcorn, nuts, toast, crackers, candy, citrus. Although you may stop the virus in its tracks by zapping, healing the lesion takes time. Keep the skin softened with natural products not containing chemicals or heavy metals


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