
Apologies to bother you again with my queries and understanding how best to use the V3 rife machine.

We have been using it overnight treatment 6-8 hours with straps on feet and laying on the mat for my daughter (aged 9)

I have been using the Group 2 Asthma/allergies and also group 10 bacteria cold and flu – trying to assist her with her asthmatic cough that does turn to blocked nose (sometimes spring hayfever) 

She would use this rife machine  5 nights a week trying to get full effect but unfortunate she is still suffering and waking up with her asthmatic cough and blocked nose and sometimes chesty cough and continues to need her asthma medication daily.

I am such a believer in BiCOM therapy and get her seen by a BICOM therapist every 6 weeks but i’m hoping i can use the rife machine as a maintenance program and to help her and keep her asthma cough free

Can you please give me any feedback or further information on how the machine works to assist her.




Bicom is great, and can be used in conjunction with Rife Digital.

Bicom’s biophysical communication therapy relies on the electromagnetic waves generated by the cells in the patient’s body, which allow it to identify and treat chronic pain, allergies, and more. Much like radio waves, or the Schumann resonances emitted by the Earth, these waves can’t be seen, but they carry essential information about what’s going on inside the body’s cells.

(2) If results are not forthcoming, check and replace the cables in case there is a break in the cable that you may not be aware of.

Discontinue the current frequency program for Asthma.  Asthma may only be a symptom for other underlying issues.

Switch to a super sweep program and see if there is any improvement with running full sweep program overnight.

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