Are there any frequencies for the H7N9 strain of the Bird Flu?


H7N9 has only killed 1 person on the planet. The strain is as questionable as the Big Pharma companies who probably created it, if it exists at all.

It is either a hoax to sell more Flu Shots, or a new strain created in Big Pharma Frankenstein labs.

At this time there is no mention of this on the biofrequency sites, and is unlikely to be added to the list. People must understand that the Bird Flu epidemic was a Big Pharma – Scam. Millions of people die each year from Malaria, however 20 people die each year from Bird Flu. One would even question the validity of these claims of 20 Bird Flu related deaths, as all the reports all come from third world countries who have few facilities and resources to come to such accurate conclusions.

When 20 people die per year (2012 WHO Stats) in a population of 6,7 Billion, H5N1 becomes a low priority for alternative medical research, Bioresonance or electro-therapy treatments. If one other person in 6.7 Billion happen to catch H7N9 and also happen to own a Rife Digital, then use the Influenza-A frequency set. You have higher chances winning the Lotto

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